Welcome to histalu.orgThe site for the history of aluminium

Access to archives

Communication rules

Any researcher wishing to consult the archives held by IHA or Rio Tinto France (Pechiney's historical archives) should contact the Institute with a written research request (by e-mail to histalu(at)histalu.org or via the contact form). The researcher must specify the subject and purpose of his or her research, the organization to which he or she belongs, and the desired consultation period.

Archives may only be consulted on IHA's premises in Clichy by appointment.


The rules governing consultation apply to public archives, as set out in articles L213-1 to L213-8 of the French Heritage Code (code du patrimoine).

Rio Tinto France

Access to Rio Tinto's archives is permanently restricted, with the Group alone deciding whether or not to open them. In practice, IHA plays an advisory role.

Inventories of historical archives can be sent to researchers once their request has been processed by IHA.

For other archives, inventories can only be made available to Rio Tinto's Legal Department with authorization, given through IHA.