Welcome to histalu.orgThe site for the history of aluminium

Support Industrial Heritage

Join the circle of patrons of the IHA and take part in showcasing industrial heritage !

Enrich and showcase our collections, and in particular our digital resources, which is an essential part of our mission.

The IHA manages and showcases an important photographic collection that documents aluminium’s industrial history.

Enrich and showcase our collections, and in particular our digital resources, which is an essential part of our mission.

The IHA manages and showcases an important photographic collection that documents aluminium’s industrial history.

Enrich and showcase our collections, and in particular our digital resources, which is an essential part of our mission.

The Journal of the History of Aluminium is a mine of information on this lightweight metal, and covers a vast field of disciplines and subjects.

Enrich and showcase our collections, and in particular our digital resources, which is an essential part of our mission.

The IHA preserves a unique automotive collection, which has been classified as historic.

Enrich and showcase our collections, and in particular our digital resources, which is an essential part of our mission.

The IHA has brought together more than 700 objects, illustrating the different uses of aluminium and its alloys.

Becoming an IHA sponsor

Why ?


As an individual, becoming a sponsor is a way to :

  • affirm your attachment to the industrial heritage
  • be an actor in the enhancement of this heritage
  • engage in a project that values the history of the industry, which remains one of the pillars of our economy


For your company and/or its employees, it’s a way to :

  • be a player in the development of your own “memory assets”
  • assert your attachment to your roots and heritage
  • commit to a cultural project that is both professionally and personally rewarding

For the entire aluminium industry, it’s a way to : 

  • assert itself as a fully-fledged player in relations between business and society improve the image of aluminium and its industries
  • bring business and academic research closer together.

At what price ?

  •  Four levels of annual contribution from 1 500 euros
  • Tax deduction (in France) under the 2003 law on sponsoring (60% of donation within the limit of 0.5% of turnover)
  • Possibility of paying the donation locally to benefit from the relevant legislation (in some European countries).



Contact us for more informations

Online Subscription

Our team is mobilized to continue our actions and develop new projects. Becoming a member of the IHA means contributing to the realization of its missions.


To join the Institute for the History of Aluminium and/or subscribe to the Journal for the history of aluminium, go to our  Hello Asso page : 


  • choose your membership level
  • pay your membership fee directy online (100% secure payment platform).
    A certificate corresponding to the amount of your contribution will be sent to you at the end of the year.