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Publication of n°71 of Journal for the history of Aluminium

Dedicated to the ARCHIPAL project (Architecture, aluminium and heritage in the 20th and 21st centuries), in which IHA participated, this issue can be ordered digitally from the Cairn website (https://shs.cairn.info/) or in hard copy from our Institute (histalu@histalu.org).

IHA summer closure

Due to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, the IHA will be closed to researchers from July 25 to August 9 inclusive.
En savoir

The folding of the Pechiney archives during the Second world war

On the occasion of the International Archives Week, we are pleased to announce the publication of this article by Jenny Piquet, in the latest issue of the Gazette des archives, journal of the Association of French Archivists (founded in 1904, which brings together more than 3,000 professionals). This article focuses on a significant page in the history of Pechiney: the withdrawal of its Central administration and all its archives from Paris to Éguilles (commune of Vedène, Vaucluse, France) during the Second World War.

Publication of n°69-70 of Journal for the history of Aluminium

Issue 69-70 of Cahiers d'histoire de l'aluminium presents the results of a panel organised by the Institut pour l'histoire de l'aluminium (IHA) at the XIX World Economic History Congress, held in Paris from 25 to 29 July 2022 on the theme of resources. This IHA-sponsored session was entitled "From the myth of the horn of plenty to the imperatives of the circular economy (from the 19th to the 21st century). Resource mobilisation and sustainable development". Its aim was twofold: firstly, to examine the evolution of production systems, particularly in the face of the imperatives of sustainable development and the circular economy. Secondly, to shed light on the current social issues surrounding the long-term impact of an industrial material that is present in many areas of our lives.

ARCHIPAL final symposium : 23-24 october 2023

Launched in January 2019 for a four-year period, the ARCHIPAL ANR project "Architecture, aluminium et patrimoine XXe-XXIe siècle", aims to write the history of aluminium in architecture, to understand the processes of patrimonialization and to draw up an inventory of the presence of this material and its state of conservation in France's built heritage. Its final symposium, "Architecture, aluminium et patrimoine XXe-XXIe siècles : Entre innovation, patrimoine et environnement", will take place on October 23 and 24, 2023 at the Palais du Louvre - Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France - 14, Quai François Mitterrand, 75001 Paris. Nathalie POSTIC, iconographer at the Institut pour l'histoire de l'aluminium, partner of ARCHIPAL, will present the following paper: "Aluminium and architecture in the photographic collections of the Institut pour l'histoire de l'aluminium" in the session "La fabrique du patrimoine".

Exhibition USIMAGES 2023 "Energy and metallurgy", from April 15 to June 11

The IHA is pleased to present, as part of the Biennale of Photography of Industrial Heritage and Work "USIMAGES", two exhibitions based on its photographic collections : “Aluminium, the metal of progress” and “Household arts”.

Publication of Issue n°67 of the Journal for the history of aluminium

The latest issue of our biannual review focuses on the history of the alumina industry, essential to the manufacture of aluminium, and relatively unknown and little studied by historians, despite some pioneering work. Based on this observation, the IHA and UMR TELEMME (CNRS/ Aix-Marseille University) had organized a conference day on October 15 and 76, 2021 entitled "Bauxites and aluminas. A history and a heritage in question". This issue of the Cahiers brings together six of the fourteen papers from this study day.

Publication of Issue n°67 of the Journal for the history of aluminium

The latest issue of our biannual review focuses on the history of the alumina industry, essential to the manufacture of aluminium, and relatively unknown and little studied by historians, despite some pioneering work. Based on this observation, the IHA and UMR TELEMME (CNRS/ Aix-Marseille University) had organized a conference day on October 15 and 76, 2021 entitled "Bauxites and aluminas. A history and a heritage in question". This issue of the Cahiers brings together six of the fourteen papers from this study day.

Best wishes 2024 !

The IHA team wishes you a happy New Year 2024

"Matières à penser", exposition du 20 mars au 12 avril à l’Ecole d'Architecture de Paris-Val-de-Seine

L’IHA a le plaisir de participer à l’exposition « Matières à penser » organisée par Eric Monin, professeur HDR à l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture et de Paysage de Lille et responsable du domaine « Histoire » au sein du Laboratoire pluridisciplinaire, le LACTH (LAboratoire Conception, Territoire, Histoire). Les vingt sections de l'exposition entraînent le visiteur dans un parcours rétrospectif pour redécouvrir les composants du "second oeuvre" qui ont marqué l'architecture des Trente Glorieuses. Des portes Clarit aux bacs Luna, des carreaux de verre Cromopal aux claustras Sabla-Weser en passant par la porte Modernfold et les carreaux de céramique Gilson, cette présentation souligne les vertus techniques et plastiques d'un héritage souvent méconnu.