Research in the history and heritage of aluminium is organised within the IHA along five strategic axes, which aim to reflect the current issues faced by this sector of activity and the industrial world, and to engage societal issues:
Axis 1: Primary Aluminium Processing
The primary aluminium industry in Europe and North America from the second half of the 20th century to the 21st century. Comparative perspectives -stakeholders, markets, people, and territories
Axis 2: House Beautiful. Aluminium in Interior Decorating, Woodwork, and Furniture
Birth and development of the uses of aluminium in building, furniture and interior decoration in the 20th-21st centuries. Techniques & products, organisation of markets, structuring of an industry, implementation & architectural aspects, societal issues, etc.
Axis 3: Research and Innovation
Research in the aluminium industry, from the 1960s to the 2020s. What innovations will serve sustainable development and the competitiveness of the European industry?
Axis 4: Industrial players
Aluminium manufacturers and their professional organisations faced with the restructuring of the global market and the challenges of sustainable development in the 20th and 21st centuries.
Axis 5: Recycling and the Circular economy.
Recycling in the aluminium sector. Structuring new market models and the challenges of the circular economy in the 20th to 21st centuries.
These axes provide a general framework within which research projects are developed under the impetus of IHA's Scientific Council and, in part, with the resources made available by its resource centre.
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