Since January 2019, the IHA and its partners have been engaged in a research initiative “Aluminium, architecture and heritage, 20th-21st Centuries” (ARCHIPAL).
Supported by the French National Research Agency, this program aims to retrace the history of aluminium in architecture.
This ambitious 4-year project aims in particular to draw up an inventory of aluminium used in construction of historic buildings in France and to report on conservation efforts.
Several research fields and themes are addressed such as:
ARCHIPAL is part of a broader consideration on the use of material in construction and production, as well as sustainable development and recycling.
Professionals in the sector, through their knowledge of material, the market, the techniques and the products are natural partners for this project. They also represent the social and cultural dimensions of this project in their respective fields. With this program we hope to offer another perspective on aluminium and allow professionals in the sector to increase their market presence and encourage sustainability.
The project is supported by the Agence nationale pour la recherche (ANR). It brings together, alongside the IHA, 6 research laboratories from various backgrounds:
If you want to know more or participate in this project, please contact us:
01 41 05 40 61 or on histalu(at)