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Publication of n°69-70 of Journal for the history of Aluminium

Issue 69-70 of Cahiers d'histoire de l'aluminium presents the results of a panel organised by the Institut pour l'histoire de l'aluminium (IHA) at the XIX World Economic History Congress, held in Paris from 25 to 29 July 2022 on the theme of resources. This IHA-sponsored session was entitled "From the myth of the horn of plenty to the imperatives of the circular economy (from the 19th to the 21st century). Resource mobilisation and sustainable development". Its aim was twofold:

firstly, to examine the evolution of production systems, particularly in the face of the imperatives of sustainable development and the circular economy. Secondly, to shed light on the current social issues surrounding the long-term impact of an industrial material that is present in many areas of our lives.


To tackle these issues from a global and international perspective, the session brought together no fewer than 18 speakers from different countries (Australia, Canada, China, France, Italy, Norway, Poland, Switzerland and the United States), whose work was presented in a dozen papers.

Journal for the history of aluminium can be consulted on the CAIRN platform.